How emotions control your health
Released on = January 24, 2007, 2:39 pm
Press Release Author = Dr. Laurence Magne
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = From the desk of Dr Magne, author with Wallace Wattles of
The Science of Being Well Home Study Course.
Press Release Body = Neuroscientists
are now finding an explanation for the
influence our emotions have on our health and well-being. There are many laboratory
tests and mounting evidence that we do in fact control our health.
In our everyday living, we are exposed to 400 billion bits of information per
second, but we're only aware of 2000 of those. Our awareness is all about our
environment, our body, about time. We are constantly bombarded with information, but
our brain considers most of it irrelevant.
Reality is happening in the brain all the time and yet we haven't integrated it.
We only see what we believe is possible. We match patterns that exist within
ourselves through our conditioning and memory. We react to what we perceive as
reality through the filter of our emotions.
are not good or bad. Emotions are designed to reinforce chemically
something into long-term memory. That's why we have them.
Those chemicals are called peptides. There's a chemical for sadness, and there's a
chemical for anger, and for lust. There's a chemical that matches
every emotional
state that we experience. And the moment that we experience
that emotional state in
our brain or in our body, the hypothalamus
organize the neuro-peptides to release
them into the bloodstream.
From there, it finds its way to the different centers and the different parts of the
body. Every single cell in the body is ready to receive these chemicals via
receptors on its surface. One cell can have THOUSANDS of receptors. A receptor site
that has a peptide sitting in it changes the cell in many ways. It sets off a whole
cascade of bio-chemical events, some of which wind up making changes to the actual
nucleus of the cell. Each cell is alive and has a consciousness, particularly if we
define consciousness as the point of view of the observer.
In adulthood, most of us who have had our emotional glitches along the way, are
emotionally detached in places, and we're operating as if we're living in today or
yesterday. We spend our adult life recreating situations that are familiar to us,
that keep us in a reality that is comfortable, that we know.
We create situations outside of the body that meet our chemical needs. We are
emotions and emotions are us.
Emotions are not bad. They're life. They color the richness of our experience. We
become addicted to a certain set of emotions, because they are made up of chemicals
that bring up the same high that the drug addict gets. Once we understand that we
are addicted to emotions, it's not just psychological, it's biochemical. Heroin uses
the same receptors on the cell that emotional chemicals us. So if we can be addicted
to heroin, then it's easy to see that we can be addicted to any neuro-peptide. The
relevant search command is related to finding a related emotional state. We can't
even direct our eyes without having an emotional aspect to it. When we look around
us at our reality, we perceive only what our emotions let us perceive. A man will
perceive the same scene differently than a woman, or a child, or an older person. We
filter our world through our perceptions and our memories.
This becomes important when you apply it to health. The thoughts that you have and
the emotions have a chemical impact on your body. Can you change the way you
perceive the world? Absolutely. You no longer see the world the way you used to see
it before you were married. Or when you were a child. Our perceptions change over
time. Once you understand that, you can choose to change your perception of any
particular situation in an instant, because you have that sort of control.
In the Science of Being Well Home Study Course, I take this sort of material
discussed here and apply it specifically to creating health. We have that power. To
find out more, visit to claim your free report on the
First Secret of Creating Health.
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Contact Details = 1030 Denman Street, Vancouver, BC, v6g2m6, Canada
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